Chocolate Eating Jacket

All I really wanted was a little Sam (in dog form) on Daphne (in deer form) action.

Suga Slam and DJ Clay have also apparently never mimed '90s thug stances before nor attempted to incorporate adventurous words such as "fuck," "Faygo," or "ya'll" into their vocabulary, either.

i read watchmen this winter and it was my first graphic novel. instantly became one of my favorite books.

If yr still paying attention, Bokonon, all I need is a little dose of yr beautiful, beautiful lies.


He's saying that some people actually like Dylan and Wait's vocal stylings as much as some people like the sanitized note diddling of an American Idol singer.

fuck this band, it's name and this review and all you lemmings
these guys are fucking awful. it sounds like nu metal, but it's cool cuz it's from the UK and douche bags here don't know about it!

it's attached to your rod mothalicka!

Where's Bokonon when you need him?

I do, and it probably influenced thousands of kids to immediately like the Simpsons and "know" it was cool, even if the majority of the humor went straight over our heads.

My initial thoughts exactly, Doctor.

blah blah blah
i always hoped they'd make an R-rated ninja turtles a touch grittier than the comics, but retaining the look of the colorless headbands, etc. it'll never happn. all we'll get is some PG-13 bullshit.

joe and the honeybears are awesome. "Get Yo Shit" is hilarious, and grooves harder than anything else I've heard this year.

You Gotta Believe!
Through a series of seemingly serendipitous events, actually orchestrated by a group of zany, Christopher Lloyd-led angels, the pair fall back in love and return to high school, where everyone talks like 1930s gangsters.

Steamboy is terrible. Very disappointing.

Hey Matt, Bruce Campbell wants his face back. (nelson laugh)
I'm sure this has been posted 30 times already but I don't feel like scrolling through.

You dare laugh at the jesters of dunk? We came here to terrify and humiliate you, not tickle your funny bones. Watch, as I humiliate your civilization by passing the ball to Curly Joe … only to have it stay in my hand with elastic!

news? MORE LIKE SNOOOOZE!!! amirite?
this cover has been floating around forever.

i don't see the edward hopper here at all, maybe i don't get the joke.

I started with Thickfreakness but my favorite two are "Rubber Factory" and "The Big Come Up."