Chocolate Eating Jacket


Brendon Benson fucking sucks. Every line in every Benson lyric is a glaring cliche. Have you ever tried to listen to his 2005 album "The Alternative to Love"?

i havn't been a fan of their follow ups, either, but "keep on your mean side" kicks the snot out of most the other bullshit out there. that is one mean record.

Mosshart is a tasty little biscuit, though.

"Not a big blues-rock fan."
"But, then again, I love the Black Keys"


that guy
Daphne's scars seem to disappear when she was at Tara's birfday party with Sam, she was wearing a pretty low-cut dress, woulda seen some of that freakshow. Guess the makeup artist person was too busy for continuity.

there's nothing wrong with a little bit of nonconsensual frottage.

And no, I don't live in the UK. I wish. I live in Peoria, Il where Amazon will ship the Lime Green set, but you can't find a goddamn hooker without an extra finger or metal leg.

Lets hope that Ms. Loehr is the new Sacha Baron Cohen character
Ms. Loehr is like, so stupid she is such a card I bet she hangs out with all the greasers.
Fo shiz.

bah humbug
can we get two months of nothing but Lynch cult cannon entries, please? Lost Highway was my first Lynch film, so if Tobias could continue the trend and write about Lynch films in the order I saw them, that'd be great, mmk?

the astronaut jones theme song might be my favorite song ever.

third third third third third
I'm Brian Fellows! er Tracy Jordan err Tracy Morgan .. dammit I'm confused
the donkey stole my name

every lunch lady i ever saw was that exact description

little details
the detail of the white guy walking his bike wearing a Celtics jersey was great, I didn't think much about it until I read the essay in "Sex Drugs and Cocoa Puffs" about the celtics/lakers rivalry in the 80s that represented (to Klosterman at least) the entire racial divide, (and also how you can define

The one, the only Dennis Madalone.

I'm working today 'cause I work at a daily newspaper that doesn't print a Sunday edition and instead has its big ad day on Saturday! So we're are getting the completely worthless and unhelpful Monday off when everyone else I know will be working and not drinking with me, who will be drinking alone in the dark!

i was waiting for the Vonnegut love.