Chocolate Eating Jacket

The Coon
I'm the symbol this town neeeeeds

More Jarmusch
Joe Strummer in Mystery Train

that dude always reminded me of Beck

Mallrats is the best Easter movie ever


that was supposed to be part of my foreskin-thin joke, you know, "I only like so-and-so's early albums, etc" … aka I was in on the hate for Glenn Back way back in the day, like last year.

you spelled fist wrong

middle-aged cable news hipster douche bag
I've hated Glenn Beck since he was on Headline News.

who's gonna post the first tasteless comment?

I prefer Miley Cyrus when she's Chris Gaines.

i didn't see one last week either.

friday buzz kill
what happened to motherfucking Friday buzz kills?


embedding was disabled by request as soon as the article was posted. I don't get it, 'cause usually youtube wont provide the html for embedding in the first place if its disabled.

oh, wrong show.

pre taped comments
if you wanted to comment about the State, you should have commented last week. If you are reading this right now, you need to be commenting about the Arrested Development movie news item slated to run next week.

we jumped on the trampling to his mixtape of nothing but "Gangsters Paradise," "Amish Paradise," and "This is How we Do It" looped back-to-back-to-back.**

An American Werewolf in London
I saw it at my white-trash friend's house in 1st grade. After the titties, nightmare sequences and gore ruined my little brain, we jumped on his on the trampling to a mixtape of nothing but "Gangsters Paradise," "Amish Paradise," and "This is How we Do It" looped back-to-back-to-back.

damn, I want that bill and ted cereal

I still have a box of Ed's EndZone cereal, from former Denver Bronco's wide receiver and wife beater Ed McCaffrey.