Bigtits McPlotdevice

Who is Melvin Belli?

Mr. Belvedere Fun Kit
PO BOX 990
Hollywood CA 90078
(remember to include your birthdate and year)

Wiki says over 4300 episodes for 45 seasons.

Is that the picture taken matching the legend of him sitting on his balls to audition?

I'd say when Belvedere has crept into your life in a college project, it is your destiny to formally review it. It's been waiting for you.

Hmm, I thought you were a first time Belvedere viewer? How do you know what's upcoming?

"That clock in the intro. I want that clock. Someone make that clock and give it to me."
I'm all for a future video segment of Sean building the clock at work.

Basking with pride he did that toss in one take.

same place the one for the Aztec is.

with shots of Man Ass!

Ghost of Daryl Gates gives Geddy a high five.

Do they let the kids unwind with a pie fight afterwards and do they follow the home lives of the kids after the show? They may be stuck with an unpaid cooking career until they're old enough to leave home.

and when he'd talk or dance, he was played by a puppet.
The whole thing was fraud.

"Okay, first of all, that's kiddie porn"
kidnapping is another crime in the episode but Belvedere and Too Close For Comfort love it. Has Belvedere covered rape yet?

They like to eat babies.

Those are the Coyote Ugly.

Franklin, The Duke of Sesame Street:
"What did I teach you?"

There's even a Ben Affleck movie Hollywoodland about Reeves. Wondering now if Batman will be forgotten after Affleck's portrayal?

Have to check in with Sterling for that.