"Let's start by unwrapping Kevin."
"Let's start by unwrapping Kevin."
Nice to read a Belvedere review and see no mention of Wesley's serial killer traits. He's gonna grow up to be a good boy!
I don't remember how these aired. Did Electric Company come on right after Sesame Street? Reading up a bit on the show it looks like Sesame Street was pulling in the money with all the Muppets licensing whereas Electric Company didn't have much to generate profits so was cancelled in 1977.
Same reason Taxi is so bad while Blazing Saddles is so good?
Gonna be messed up if Dammit goes to jail for this.
Angel as a blind painter to really help with the pledge drive.
He was in the Air Force, medical records technician in Alaska.
There had to be at least Bob Ross pencil toppers.
If you haven't seen the Zombie Halloween movie I'll just ask you to keep in mind Michael's caretaker Danny Trejo. I predict a similar end to Wesley and Belvedere's relationship.
They recently had a PBS special on with celebrities who learned to paint the Bob Ross way.
Bob Ross and his scamming twin brother Angel played by Stuart Margolin.
Sad it never got the green light to go to series.
"Minka Kelly School of Acting"
If SNL hasn't done a skit based on that, shame on them.
(Yes, it's lunch and I'm thirsty for Artie's drink of choice)
"Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer"
A felt reindeer come to life with a burning nose. That's Satan's doing. BOYCOTT!!!
or playing in David Letterman's band.
You and Toonces both.
and the famous Brady Bunch house w/staircase going to the right into what would be the roof when viewed from the street.
I'd like to see the verdict on older son Kevin when the show is finished. Is he gay or not?
I just dropped by to read people making fun of this show I don't watch but have at least a season of catching up on the other show mentioned- Mad Men. How do you know all this will happen to Don, Libby? All of those things don't have to happen to him, do they? Is it a guarantee Weiner is going to make sure Draper's…
although that didn't stop her and Froug repeating for Gilligan's Island.