Mara Blanxart

Because of the noise. Didn't anyone notice the noise?

Maybe I'm reading too much into it or someone's said this before but isn't it strange that remembering and disappearing evidence of the Doctor have been recurrent in this series?

Ok then. I only wanted to watch 4 or 5 of the classic doctors so… one down.
One last thing, though: is the tv movie any good?

I just could never ever watch 6. It's nothing against the character or the actor (I know nothing of both) but the clothes just hurt my eyes. Like literally. It's just painful. So there's a "no" I knew.
But why 7? I heard he played a pretty violent Doctor. Not sure it's either good or bad..

You made me go back and watch it. I think you may be onto something there.

Yes that's what I'm afraid to do! But thanks, it seems there's many more than I expected hehe

Are there any complete stories for 2?

To me, the thing about this episode is that for the first 14 minutes the Doctor doesn't even know there's a threat. And then it's really all about the relationship between the Doctor and Clara. (BTW, loved how he kept repeating things he had done with previous Clara's like the "shut up" and then he realized and turned