Mara Blanxart

No no. But it's interesting. Do you think it's fan service or important for the future?

It was a rule from the Doctor to River, probably because he felt guilty of keeping the truth from her. And then River said it to Amy so that she wouldn't be so naive about him. I don't understand why people feel so offended by it.

Well… According to wikipedia it's been brushed off before.

See Alistair Lethbridge-Stewart and you get the similarity, right?

Maybe she knows Gallifreyan.

If she really was three completely normal human beings who just happen to be identical, why would they keep repeating the same things? Why say "run you clever boy and remember" when you're about to die, twice? And I have a looong list of things they have said and done similar, not just two or three.

@twitter-17563197:disqus  Well put, thank you. That's what I meant. :)

@avclub-33807fbc68d335db8080d3c10cb78822:disqus  That's what I meant: for a very brief second we could see what they relationship could be like if they knew everything about each other. And now its gone of course.


Had the Eye of Harmony been explained before? It seemed pretty interesting that it was right there and the Doctor was like: "here you have the toilets, the Eye of Harmony, the library, the jacuzzi…" and nobody has even mentioned it.

I felt that after the Doctor confessed he had seen her die twice before and all of that scene, that they somehow started to have a real companion relationship. So all the secrets might be preventing them from having a real relationship and us seeing it.

@kingairwick:disqus I can't say about Peri because I haven't seen her yet but I didn't feel any particular feelings about Harry from the TARDIS (You meant Harry Sullivan, right?)

@avclub-b9a25e422ba96f7572089a00b838c3f8:disqus  Yes, exactly. Although an argument could be made that the TARDIS sees the future so it knows that something will happen, I personally don't like that theory. I much prefer to think she was created by something or someone to get close to the Doctor, to protect him or the

I understand your point, but just for the sake of argument I'd say that there is no reason why Emma would sense that she was an empathic since all she could sense were feelings, not special attributes of the person. She didn't sense the Doctor was an alien, for example.

I actually can't comment on that series' arc because I already knew at least six of the biggest secrets in it: that the Doctor died (but didn't really), that it was River who "killed" him, that she was Amy's daughter, that Rory came back (though that's a series 5 surprise, together with the fact that the do get

Well, my very first episode was "The Wedding of River Song".

And the writer.

Insane, Obviously Wrong Theory Corner:

Dalek Oswald had a thing for it, too.

I have NEVER been freaked out by a tv show as in that brief moment. Really sent chills down my spine.