
My professor was Brad Ricca, who actually wrote a biography of Superman's creators.

Good one.

I took a seminar course at Case Western Reserve University that was all about comics. My final paper was about evolution and social Darwinism in the X-Men comics.

I love living in Cleveland. Amazing arts scene, great food, arguably the best health and medical care in the country, great colleges and universities (I go to Case Western, an Ivy League school in the mid-west), lovably disappointing sports teams (I'll root for every one of them until the day I die), the Cleveland

Cleveland has recently seen a pretty dramatic brain gain recently because so many young people are deciding to stay. I think things have been accelerating for the city over the past year or so.

How in the hell can you say Hugh Jackman is phoning it in? Seriously?

Michael Faraday is my science hero. What he was able to accomplish throughout his life, with what little formal education he had, is nothing short of unbelievable. And the way he lived his life, both a man of science and a man of faith, should show why science and religion don't have to fight each other.

I'm so glad that they had an episode devoted almost entirely to my scientific hero, Michael Faraday. The more people that know how much he influenced their lives, the better.

So you want to see them ditch their jobs and become plumbers at the beginning of season 2?  Then they can fix some leaky faucets (if you know what I mean)

mad about Mads!!