
I don't care if the person is obnoxious or a fool or even if he has stupidly plagiarized Dan Clowes; the gloating in these comments is a form of cyber-bullying. If you're part of it, you're part of a mob.

"Yes, I'd love a beer. In a bottle, please, not a can."

Dead Gungans? How about Jar Jar? Oh, wait a minute. He was just "deadly"…

I just don't understand why George Lucas doesn't bring his revisionism to the prequels. And by "revisionism," I mean totally discarding 30 or 50 percent of the footage, paring the existing plot to a minimum, and replacing it with a parallel storyline telling the origins and childhood and youth of Han Solo and Lando

One of my early, nonpublished cartoons was a parody of TV sports shows, this one covering a "bowlfing" tournament, a combination of golf and bowling. Basically it was just golf, but using a bowling ball. They went through a lot of ruined clubs.

Only as a hybrid
It would be great to see this movie as a hybrid…