
Animal Collective
While I'm glad to see Animal Collective represented, I disagree on your song choice.

If it's about a writer it should be ripe with failure and depression because that's what I like to think writing is like.

They ripped off the shows title from some album by a band no one has ever heard of.

Yeah OC, you know about Art! What a fag! I bet you like washin' your face too you sissy.

I read on and we did that later. So… IGNORE ME!

I am a huge Radiohead fan. I've listened to every album obsessively. I realize that there's a measure of taste in all criticism, but I do not understand how people rank Kid A higher than OK Computer.

Wasn't the evil overlord from Power Rangers named Lord Zed?

Instead of helping people I'm being a bother!

It also means that Panda Bear from Animal Collective will release more music. This is good.

I agree this was funny,

I ended up seeing it. I shale now weigh in.

Iron Man?
IMBD says good old Robby Downs Jr. appears in the film.

I always hated not. It's like "Remember sarcasm? Yeah, we're taking out everything that made it good."

A Titty Twister?

A Titty Twister?

Did you hear about the next movie Pixar is planning?
It's called: Things that Talk, but Shouldn't!

On Frey
Being berated on national television by Oprah Winfrey is a unique, and interesting experience.

A Funny Part I Want to Talk About:

Oh shoot, I said that right under Scott's post. I didn't even realize that. Sorry, Uhhh I thought that your description of the film looking like a worn tape was especially apt. Oh now I just sound like I'm pandering!

Deleted Scenes
After what's his face steals the motorcycle, it turns out that Wain is the owner. He and his wife have a conversation about how he doesn't have the will to fight for anything. I thought it was funny.