
I thought the subplots encouraged repeat watching. I disagree with the review, I found Molly Shannon's part to be really funny. I especially liked that she married one of the seven year olds.

The extras are well worth the purchase.

I say "I want to be inside you" to a lot of people when they walk away.

"The money my parents spend on me could feed many starving children."

The good one will be given a decadent lifestyle, only to one day become a spoiled, rich, asshole.

Pitchfork Fest
That's where they're playing in IL

It means two things

What about pop up adds and things that try to make you send messages to your friends telling about penis pills and pot?

More Lyrics
Doesn't that song have more lyrics?

"That face that he made when Kanye West said that Dubya hated black people… Now that was funny!"

Maybe their saying "This is going to be a fucking disaster."

I want the Rolling Stones killed.

Jesus actually likes metal
Because he's a real man.

Tron and Titanic

Also, Black People don't play hockey.

Kim would be a really funny villain.


Semi-Spoiler Alert…

Catullus kicks poetic ass.

Jenney's Latin
Any Latin students reading?