
I love indie movies!

Where's that asshole who directed it? What's he doing now?

Who was that ghost that was in one episode that kept yelling

Ha. Assy sucks.

It's nice to see a really funny idea that was summed up in about two sentences actually make it to production.

You guys ever see the Friends?

I heard John Mayer wrote a heart wrenching memoir, saved a species of duck, and invented a really tasty new cheese dip . Also, he has a huge cock, or so I hear.

I hate when people bring new ideas to the table too.

Master of Disguise was an abortion of a film. What studio executive said

I care as much as I can I guess.

You would mention Pulp Fiction twice AV Club.

I was thinking Ryan in Prison would be funny too.

Any word on what that spin-off is going to be about?
The Toby Show would be hysterical.

Also, I want to bring up the point that who ever plays Angela is a fox. A stone cold fox that curves like a God damn battle-axe.

Remember when the deer came alive in the back of the car after Farley and Spade hit it?

I want to be inside you!

Also, Scott used to fuck Tasha until she ended up sleeping with Nathan. That pissed him off too.