
Something tells me you haven't seen the movie. Watch it! It kicks ass.

I think Escape From New York is one of those movies which you could only hope to produce a worthwhile remake of if you just re-released the original but with present day Kurt Russell digitally inserted into his younger self's place, with literally the only difference being that Snake is old. Same with the Evil Dead

Oh man, that's one of the few times I've ever really, really laughed at Family Guy. When I first saw that I had no idea what Dallas was and almost didn't realise it was a reference to anything. I thought Family Guy just came up with it as an utterly insane ending, so I kind of thought it was the best thing ever for a

Wow, I've never heard of anyone performing the Abbey Road medley live. And it was Tenacious D? Gotta check that out!

I'm surprised the AVC didn't mention Rhyme Stew, another of Dahl's little poetry collections which is incredibly adult in places. I remember one of the poems is about a gym teacher who keeps her student behind after school and they fuck. Of course I loved it as a nine year old.

Remember the episode with the twisted Mystery Inc parody? "Don't make me chain you to the back of my van and road-haul you till you're nothing but a pelvis wearing a belt!", delivered in a near-perfect imitation of Frank Welker's Fred voice. Amazing.

I honestly think the Nolan Batman movies got more awesome with each film. Batman Begins was cool, but a little lifeless. The Dark Knight was great with a lot of amazing moments. The Dark Knight Rises, I felt, was just balls-to-the-wall fun. Bane was one of the craziest villains I've seen in years. What I like is that

I like it, but it's just nothing special to me. I can't really explain it, it's just sorta plodding and boring. It's not crazy and fun like Good Morning, Getting Better, the title track(s), or Mr Kite or Lucy in the Sky, and it's not as subtly sweet as When I'm 64 or With a Little Help or Within You Without You. And

Yeah, but I've never taken it seriously. It doesn't improve the movie or anything, it makes little sense and it's more than slightly creepy. I love the film as it is.

Hall or Billingham?

I'm pretty sure I 'get' Spider-Man and I think - though it's not the perfect adaptation, and I don't think any of them have been very good in that sense - that Spider-Man 2 at least is a great film. 
To say that ASM's cast were all superior to their Raimi series counterparts is to tell a lie. Even Martin Sheen was bad.

While this is true, sadly Franco's smile in that one episode with the fake IDs conquered all others on the show.

I'm going to make an account called Wallet Inspector Spacetime and I will comment only on Community-related threads, and speak only in Simpsons quotes, thereby imploding the AV Club once and for all.

Wait, how'd I get here? I think I'm cracked in the head!

One time I had to watch my sister pretend to be an Australian tourist because she was too embarrassed to ask for directions to the London Eye in her native London accent. Also when we were kids, all my siblings and I convinced two girls at the beach that we were Americans. Friends was pretty popular in our house so we

It's weird how similar to Anton Chigurh Tommy Lee Jones look in that Charlie's Angels clip.

Going back a little, but The Colossus Of Rhodes! And all the disappeared Wonders, I guess. But the Colossus was really the one I always wanted to see… the drawings and stories alone are mind-boggling. I just hope that universal killjoy science hasn't disproven that one's existence too.

Oh, fuck you both! *dusts off "Gone Trollin'" sign*

I was never that crazy about Monsters, Inc so I'm ambivalent about this movie. But if they even think about making a new Finding Nemo… Oh, man… I will, um, write aggressive comments on the internet. And you don't want that Pixar. You don't want that.

Nice fuckin' model! *crotch honk*