
I somewhat care what you think of the television show. But I don't care at all what you think of the issues covered on the television show (I don't come here for incisive political commentary and opinion). And whenever those issues hit one of your hot buttons, your review becomes a venting duct for your righteous

"There are many arbitrary measures for when a person officially enters adulthood"

The humorless, sanctimonious scolds railing against Clarkson and his comedic shtick are the new century's version of the squares who railed at Randy Newman for "Short People", and at Andy Kaufman for wrestling women. Time marches on, but there'll always be angry squares.

Yeah, that was great. Anyone remember which episode that was?

I don't think the writer understands what "kvetch humor" is.

Also, those are some crazily high pixel-count school ID photos, to blow up so ginormous and still be dazzlingly high-def

And, y'see? It totally LANDED.

I share your outraged indignation. The mission of the dramatic arts - and certainly this show in particular - is to present an authentic portrayal of reality. That's why I absolutely CAN'T STAND that Shakespeare clown everybody's always going on about. His stuff totally strains credibility; it keeps taking me right

I loved Mike starting the phone conversation with Selena by asking some technical detail about the boat she'd been on. Nothing boat-related can happen without Mike being totally on top of it.

What's SCROTUS doing here?