
I'm kind of surprised that it's not considered thoughtful. I thought that was riveting television.

I find it shocking that Parks & Recreation/Community both placed higher than Louie.

I don't get it, Montypark. Explain yourself!

Shut it, Freddie Gage.

One of my favorite musicians of all time.
He made records that were so good even Tom Waits couldn't touch them, though he tried his damndest at it. Trout Mask Replica? Safe As Milk? Forget about it. Two of the best fucking albums ever made.

I saw Honeyboy Edwards in January and have since seen him three more times because I was so taken with his first concert. Playing dirty electric delta blues in dim lighting, talking about hobo-ing, knocking back whiskey like it was water, and 95 years old to boot. I found out Alan Lomax recorded him in 1942 and

I kinda liked KPAX. Jeff Bridges and Spacey as co-stars? Sold.

It can't be that bad!
Kevin Spacey is getting a Golden Globe nomination for it because they're totally a legitimate awards organization and their votes aren't all about ad demos and studio publicity campaigns!

Get Low. Robert Duvall and Murray in the same movie? Sold. Anybody else really infatuated with that movie?

See, I would actually make a similar trailer, except instead of saying "Again?!" he would slice a hole in De Niro's stomach and rip out his organs through it and eat them as De Niro died in front of him in shock.

If I wrote Little Fockers I would make it brutally, shockingly violent and the humor would be more of a commentary on "vintage Italian horror" than comedy per se.

I don't know which I would dislike the sight of more: balls, or Werner Herzog's Exploded Brain.

Albums on this list that were secretly shitty:
1. David Cross
2. Aziz Ansari, who is the most annoying person in the world although I love Human Giant.

The Other Guys' good reviews baffle me. After the opening gag with Samuel L. Jackson, the film was completely unbearable and I did nothing but squirm in my seat and grow uncomfortably sober.

Back to Hot Tub Time Machine: I can say with absolute certainty that it's a lot funnier than "The Hangover," which was almost universally loved for some reason despite having nothing but shitty unlikable characters and no replay value in terms of jokes.

Listen, dudes, seriously.

Mostly Pilkington was bitching like a little girl, but every once in awhile he had an observation I legitimately sympathized with or understood.

Which one? The "it might be her snatch" photo?

She was probably the hottest woman alive in the late '70s. Those tight mini-dresses, that sultry look, her come-hither lyrics, oh god.

Just wanted to get this on the front page: