
Lost Art Gives Me A Boner
I don't know what it is about lost silent films that fascinates me so much, since once they're found I never give a shit about them, but they fascinate me. There's like this Indiana Jones intrigue to lost films, like they're some hugely important cultural artifact even though we already know

I'm gonna retract some of that. I like Waylon, but he wasn't much of a singer and he was up his own ass in kitschy stuff (e.g. Dukes of Hazzard theme) - however, I really some of the live stuff. Waylon Live is one of the great live country albums.

How old was he?
I could never tell how old he actually was on the show. A little too lucid for me to think he was *that* old.

The Knitters would have been a much more interesting diversion article topic than Ween. Ween fucking sucks, for one thing.

My general opinion is that season 5 is goddamn depressing, a) because Hartman's death lingers over every joke, every line Jon Lovitz tries his damndest at, every increasingly desperate plotline and b) a cast with a broken chemistry, the desperation visible on their faces.

She looks unbelievably sexy in that dress, so I forgive the overemphasis this arc places on a guest character. She does fit in really well with the cast though.

So, does he have actual medical issues or is he just a doper?

Baby Blues is funny because it would occasionally get really subversive for a few seconds. Really tame and then super dark, blink and you'll miss it.

The cartoon had occasional flashes of brilliance. I wouldn't say it was mediocre - some of the more out-there surreal episodes made for really enjoyable watching.

It would have been funny
If he'd just stopped with the Letterman interview and then immediately copped to the joke. As it stands now, he's a sad, hacky Kaufman wanna-be.

John Doe
I still think that Country Club was sickeningly underrated, and it wound up being one of my favorite Sadies albums, collaborations or otherwise.

Brilliant dude
The man was a genius and I don't think Wilco has even come close to the greatness of the albums they did with him.

It's probably already been done, but a good follow-up article would be standout scenes in shitty movies. Tom Waits' cameo in Domino is brilliant, and he milks the camp/melodrama value of basically playing Jesus Christ for all it's worth, and yet it still has some dramatic power, totally in spite of itself.

Cliche time
But I think there are two scenes in Lost In Translation that I'll occasionally watch by themselves because they're just so powerful:

I have an "LA getting destroyed" fetish
This movie thoroughly satisfies that fetish. And it satisfies it so perfectly and dramatically that I don't feel any movie can ever top this in terms of sheer "California is wiped off the face of the earth"-ness. It's beautiful, glorious pornography for a small-town kid who

I'm fucking sick of Jack White as a vocalist. He's not bad, and I love the White Stripes, but he's too omnipresent and too oversaturated for me.

Scarlett Johansson enters this movie to Magnificent Seven by The Clash. This gets it an automatic A. Period. I want to make sweet love on this movie.

I will always respect Letterman for giving Warren Zevon a consistent national performance vehicle even for that like 10 year stretch where nobody cared about anything but Werewolves.

Mary jane
It's interesting that Haggard apparently has no interest in any crossover appeal like Cash did. It would be really easy for him to do a spiffy, modern record with some well-chosen covers and get some appeal to a younger crowd. But instead here we have a record that may just as well have been recorded in

An obscure "I know too much about the LA roots scene" answer
Maria McKee. Lone Justice was one of the most underrated bands in the '80s, and their live show was brilliant, sounding something like Emmylou Harris fronting a punked-up Tennessee Two. She made a couple classic solo albums (s/t and You Gotta Sin To Get