
I have such fond memories of Holiday Spice Pepsi and Pepsi Blue that some times I wonder if I'm overhyping it in my head. I loved those so butt-hammering much as a kid you have no idea.

It's been mentioned already, but it bears repeating: everyone definitely needs to listen to the commentary on Daydream. Like Andy Dick's hilariously antisocial laughter at the Howie character, and the original close to Howie's fantasy: "He's never been the same since his wife died," which elevates that

Ramis seems like a really nice guy.
I'm really bummed him and Bill Murray don't talk. Harold Ramis seems like he was at one point very grieved over their estrangement.

THE Mojo Nixon?!!
Damn it, I had no idea my man Mojo Nixon was in this. Now I've got to rent this horrible movie and fast-forward to the parts he's in.

Mock Trial
You know, the whole mock trial bit on AD was probably necessary for them to clear up plot holes in 4 episodes or whatever, but man, it's so stupid. It's just not funny at all, contrived in the most painful way possible. The only part of the show I dislike. I even liked the Godzilla fight.

Guys, guys, guys.

"He took away my chainsaw, AND NOW HE'S USING IT ON ME!"

I bet sometimes she burns money during sex because of the rush.
I have to be very careful to avoid hearing anything about Gwyneth Paltrow's personality/lifestyle because each time it makes another great movie a little less enjoyable. Another article like this and I'll just fast-forward to the parts of the Royal

I have $20 on this.
I have a suspicion that he was killed by a prostitute and the auto-erotic asphyxiation angle was staged before she split the scene. It would explain the no signs of forced entry.