
I was, it's excellent writing.

So … this show haven't been cancelled yet?
Weird, cuz it sucks and it should be.
Is Fox the new NBC now?

Damn, I'm a sucker. I seriously thought i could win.

I wouldn't know, i only play with a snake in the toilet.

I'm usually having more fun while taking a shit.
Even the graphics are better.

I got the feeling that Rebecca is working on her own or with Hagen to get the secrets.

Speaking of details, when machine is accessing archives and the satellite image is shown with information about "the mission" i figured it's meaningful.
Turns out it's a real time surveillance program from 70', named KH-9, codename "Hexagon". Quicky with Google reveals that it's from 1971 and i thought "gotcha!"

Only thing good in this season was Javadi.
Rest was such a bullshit …

I dont' think they needed to dissolve the body of the bomber.
They only needed to make it unrecognizable for the CIA and the acid would do that just fine, although they are a better ways to do that.

Great, first YouTube gets gang-raped by Google+ and now this shit.
WTF is going on with websites lately?
Functionality is being pushed away to make a room for superficiality.
And almost always changes are staying the same way, even if complains raise more and more.
It's bullshit, that's what it is.

I loved Caffrey's "i'm not a butler" after Burke's announcement as a FBi agent.
Short, sharp and fun - a dagger.

There's no such message but it doesn't matter.
I doubt they even saw the movie.

I'm from Poland where Catholic Church is influential as shit, so they was managed to put matter of "religion" into school program. Of course it was only about one religion.
Anyway, it was mostly about doing homework or play cards during those lessons.
But sometimes priest or catechist made us watch some bullshit

Peter Yogorov*

Yeah, that was it!
Lou Reed's biggest contribution to humanity was his agitation for LGBT rights.
Forget about his music dough.
It's just merely a side dish to his legend.


What about the fact that apparently in Charlie's fantasy his children are also married to each other later? And have babies.
But it's ok since you get babies in Baby Store.

Are you sure you want to have sex with Aaron Paul and not with Paul from AA?

I feel like only reason for Frank to make money is so the rest of the gang wouldn't go bankrupt.
Absurdity of practically all of their "investments", businesses and life choices is enormous.
They must have lost tens of thousand dollars in the process and yet they still have a spare $1,500 to buy assault rifle. Which

- Listen pal, You just made my list.
- Yeah, i have a li … Whatever …