
I think hypothetically you would be okay! The core working parts of a really basic game (every frame, read button input, move the player and some other stuff around, see if the player's bumped into something important, and draw a bunch of sprites to the screen based on whatever their x/y coordinates are now) are

Thanks for the mention, and for the varyingly kind words. This was a quick project once I sat down and put it together, but the idea's been baking for a few years, so it's nice to have finally done something with it.

agreed 100%, what was even the deal here

I laid my heart open to the benign indifference of the Mushroom Kingdom.

Bricks mortared, if one looks, with a void, a blackness.

Author here. Werner never once came to mind while I was writing this, but in retrospect he's pretty much perfect. I'd pay a lot of internet dollars to hear him recite a line.

I might just!  Mostly a matter of making the time, I've enjoyed skimming a couple of these before but gettin' embroiled in a proper discussion is like a whole darn other thing sometimes and I spend a fair amount of my time riding herd over on Metafilter as it is.

Heya!  Larp Trek is a thing that I make!  I've noticed the occasional bit of AV Club traffic so I figured I should finally pop over and sign up and say hello.  Glad you're (and y'all're) enjoying it; I never really expected this to be the webcomic project I'd actually stick with but apparently it really needed out of