
nah, carrottop is definitely bane

Its wry and wise, but also sexual

Pretty sure most movies add the 3D after principle photography, Avatar being the exception.

Well, not his face.


for me, its pube hair, or nothin

I don't even OWN a tv. I'm that cool.

I would use an awl

it has to do with percent extraneous debris, the higher the PED factor the nastier your cumhole is

fuck yeah death letter, the live version on Under Blackpool Lights is insane.

dunno if this has already been mentioned yet but they say that just before laying down the maggot brain title track, hazel was told to play "like his momma just died" and did the whole thing in one take.

better get some insurance on yo booty
cuz you liable to bump into anything tonight

my first shout out! oh… wait.

I used to be really fucking into anime when i was younger (like last week), I would watch it for hours on end. Buying dvds from the asian distributors was the best aka cheapest method. Some of the my favorites: Cowboy Bebop, Ninja Scroll, Trigun, Evangelion (a fucking must), and some others that are not coming

I won't deny the greatness of board games. I started a Risk Club in high school. We played weekly, and needless to say, were the kings of our school. Er… uh, something like that anway.

For boardgames to be played by the under 30 crowd, they have to be easily mixed with alcohol. Not too many rules, and certainly no trivia (drunks hate that shit). Apples to Apples works just peachy.

if you only wear a seat belt when competing in a destruction derby

Ace Ventura Jr.: Pet Detective?

Honky Tonkin
Its all about Hank Williams