
Why are you being such a jerk? Did I personally attack you? No. I made a comment. You made a douche-y reply. I replied without making any personal comments towards you. You replied by attacking me. Again, I commented without bringing your character into it, and again you attacked me. What is your problem? Do you want

I may not be a gourmet chef either, but I know when a meal tastes like shit.

Shaking the camera like an epileptic is not style. It's lazy filmmaking from a director who doesn't know how to frame a shot and is trying to make something seem exciting, instead of actually making the scene he is shooting exciting. And zooms only work if you're making an ironic, post modern pastiche of 1970's films

Superman Returns…You'll believe a man can be cock blocked for two hours!

About as angry as when the drug store runs out of oxy-contin and depends.

No, it's because he isn't like the other black presidents we've had.

"White House Down may be the only big-budget action movie released this year not to feature a single handheld shot or zoom." Just for this, Roland Emmerich will get my money.

I just watched Willow on Blu-Ray and he looked like a god in that movie. Now he looks like Marcus Bachmann. What the hell happened?

You're welcome.

Jim Carrey had credibility? On what? Talking out of his butt?…And you don't think it's possible that he never gave much thought to gun control and movie violence prior to this? People's political views DO awaken and evolve over time. For some people it takes longer than others. Jim is entitled to his opinion and owes

The Mask came out a million years ago. The man CHANGED HIS MIND about movie violence after Sandy Hook. AFTER. You understand that time moves forward right?

Nobody is more aware of this than Dan Harmon.

It wasn't even a joke. He was just sincerely trying to explain how he felt watching it. If the people who worked on Season 4 have the right to be upset about what Dan said, doesn't Dan have a right to be upset about what someone else did to his show?

Woody Allen pulled off a pretty funny "rape" joke. "I read that my ex-wife was violated outside her apartment…Knowing my ex-wife it probably wasn't a moving violation." About as low as you can go and still be funny.