Walking NPR

I'm having the same ctrl+F problem and it's intermittent for me, too. There's a thread below somewhere or other where we discussed it, but we haven't figured out the cause yet.

I'm definitely finding the new real-time updating more stressful to look at. Like, the old ones just piled up as "10 new messages" quietly at the top instead of jumping around all the time. But still easier than TC because the comments are still in threads, unlike TC where it seems like there might be multiple

Huh weird. That is exactly what I'm using. It will highlight whatever word I'm searching for, but it won't take me to it.

I'm using Chrome, too. Must be the issue…maybe it's time to change browsers.

Wow….jmunney's avatar really isn't a ghost making a "The Scream" face. I kind of miss what I used to think everyone's tiny avatars were.

Uhh…is ctrl-F not really working to search comments here, either? That is a major impediment to my following conversations.

Yeah…I'm glad to have RTU back, but this is a little frenetic.

I enjoy that we both went with Shirley quotes. Jerley 4-EVA!

It's 3 am and everything is still ok.  I was kind of thinking I might see the change-over, being up so insanely late.

I liked the first one okay, because it got so weird (and because it was funny/adorable seeing Moynihan with the actual kitten towards the end), but it was clearly a one-off.  They're obviously hurting for recurring sketches now.  Also probably why WU seems to be taking up half the show lately.

I used to not care for him, but the last couple of seasons he's really grown on me.  I agree with Janine that I don't think he can usually carry a sketch by himself, but he's the king of the reaction shot.  When he's used that way, he's golden.

Cold open: Hey—it's not a press conference! I thought it was relatively fun

I felt completely the opposite.  Last week bored me to death and this week was overall entertaining with a few great moments.  And thus, SNL continues to be interesting to watch/discuss.  (though I am kinda concerned I've started agreeing with SIIIIIMMMS!)

I caught myself wondering if it should really be spelled "chon"—though "chun" is how I mentally spelled it as well—because it is the result of accidentally combining "child" and "son."   Then I debated it because "chon" looks like it should rhyme with "yawn" and they did use "chun" in place of "fun." Then, I

I'm conflicted on whether to like this or not.  Almost as much as I was when it was announced Tatiana Maslany would be on P&R.

Booo, NuDisqus…..ok, thanks!

Wait…so if I only created an account through AVC (like, December 8, 2011 I decided I wanted to comment on the RHM review so I clicked the "register" option of "log in or register")…I need to do something now so I still can be Walking NPR?