
Glad to see some people finally admitting Zombieland was not as good as Shaun of the Dead. I remember after ZL came out it was like "Dude! 'Shaun' got owned" from a lot people. I liked Zombieland alright but it's as good a movie "Shaun".

@Craig J. Clarke- that's cool! I haven't seen Mother Kuster or Fox and Friends (though I really want to obviously) I own and really like Querelle too (also a Genet fan so that helps..though I haven't read that book yet) I've seen Maria Braun and like it but it's been so long that I need to see it again.

@Unreliable Narrator-oh no I doubt I'd plow threw "Berlin…." like going on a marathon with a tv show on dvd way. I've just heard of people putting aside a whole weekend and watching the whole thing which I don't see myself having that kind of time to do nothing but watch it anytime soon. What I meant by the tv dvd

I've owned Berlin Alexanderplatz for years..been meaning to watch…I was wondering how long each "part" is? (I'm wondering how I should space it out and I dont know if I should watch it like I would a tv series on dvd or not)
anyway, what I watched instead of rise of the apes this weekend…
oh, wait I totally saw "Rise

I about died when I saw the Ron Paul sticker. lol We didn't get enough time with Gail before he died.

GODDAMMIT, Alec Baldwin. You stay on that show until it sucks or gets cancelled NOT before. I know a lot of actors leave popular shows cause they think they can become movie stars. You have the distinction of having already tried and failed to be a movie star. America is not into you like that, Alec. America likes you

what did i do instead of Cowboys/smurfs?
watched some Party Down, some Louis CK standup while I wait for next weeks episode of Louie, saw "Horrible Bosses again-still funny, and the Barbary Hershey is repeatedly raped by ghosts movie "The Entity" as well as sunday's episode of Breaking Bad.

Man…you klypto subplot haters are just WRONG. I've always loved what a whackjob Marie is since the beginning of the show. Marie hasn't had much to do on the show since the first season till Hanks injuries and I"m just not as interested in her in the supportive wife role. (I'm still waiting for Mad Men to bring back

i'm still optismistic it might be an entertaining popcorn movie. I'm sure Phillips and me agree more often then not on great "Films" like "Certified Copy" etc but I don't think we see eye to eye on stuff made for shits and giggles. I finally watched "Hot Tub Time Machine" last night under the influence-nothing

Maybe liberals should stop attacking (admittidly terrible) conservative scapegoats like Palin and Bachmann who will be no threat at the end of the day and concentrate their energies elsewhere. I know it sucks not having an obvious rightwing enemy to focus on like Bush anymore, Democrats sympathizers but you gotta face