
Not to take anything away from Rundgren, and I may be mis-remembering Philosophy 101, but didn't, like, Bellamy predict this whole streaming thing in "Looking Backward" about a ka-billion years ago?

I watched this show the way that Jules Winnfield is a vegetarian: mostly because my wife watched it. Perhaps someone's already mentioned it, but there was that moment when the little Braverman (was it Nora?) ran up and hugged Max before he could really do anything about it. Max Burkholder just nailed it, going from

If you so much as mention my name to Jesse, Boyyyy… I'd find out about it. You had better believe that…and I'll look you up, I'll knock on your door, and I will be as mad as a hornet…I will be hot.

Is it ok to mention Looper? I always kinda liked Looper. The first two albums, at least.

A friend turned me as the Ram commercial ran, guessing, "Monsanto? ADM?". I would almost be comfortable with even Globochem attempting to re-re-romanticize farming in order to comfort us about the way food grows now. I'm betting this was the same house that was able to connect Chrysler to some sort of fuzzy-wuzzy

Word to that, Diatribe. All the Spanish Spanish-speakers I met in Mexico would comment on how informal Mexican Spanish seemed to them.

His bit in Portlandia as the cult leader/chicken farmer was a thing of beauty.