
Part of me wishes that either there was more things to buy with the diamonds, or that they could be saved and the prices of everything cranked up. The other part of me realizes that the creators assumed you wouldn't be able to eventually buy everything just from dozens of failed attempts to get through level 3.

Oh man, this will be so much better than flailing around trying to throw my knife at something.

A reboot of Step By Step about Cody's Second marriage to a woman who also has 5 kids like him.

Maybe? I assumed that the episode I watched was the final episode since he fought the dude who made the game and then woke up in a hospital. Seemed pretty final there.

I watched the first three episodes of SAO and stopped caring. I then managed to see the final episode in a hotel room one night. There is literally no reason to watch any part in between.

Mall Cop 2: Blartropolis

Matt Prigge is right. The laziness of the title is inexcusable. So many possiblities: wasted.

This game shines in multiplayer. You, as Kirby, being carried around by your friends as waddle-dees, like some sort of roman emperor. Trapping them inside rainbow prisons as punishments, or blocking their escape routes from a horde of enemies when they fail you. The end of each level compares the number of stars each