Mr. Dark

Does her answer suggest that Jaquen H'gar taught her to fight with the sword? Does it imply that Syrio Forel, that guy we KNOW taught her with the sword, and H'gar are indeed the same person? "No one"?

I read a lot of comments saying that "Todd has to go" or the he needs to die.  I disagree.  This show is supposed to be very much "real world" stuff…and just like in "The Wire", the bad guy may get it in the end, but that doesn't mean that the badness stops.  Todd is the scariest character on the show because he's the

Monk is one of very few artists who, before his passing, was ahead of his time, and after his passing….is still ahead of everyone's time.  Easily the most unique, innovative, and original composer in jazz history.  If there were a Mt. Rushmore of jazz, Thelonious would absolutely be one of the sculptures.

Sure, the characters that were killed off were boring…at least their portrayals were…but in the overall scheme of the show, this was jaw dropping!  I didn't like Rob Stark or his mother, but that climax absolutely f***ed me up!  Killing Stark's wife and "little Ned" was one thing, but to kill the entire lot??  Damn! 

No blueberry pancakes for you!

I don't think any of the main characters survive…with the exception of Agron, if he doesn't fight.  He may be the one to tell the tale of Spartacus in the end.  I'd love to see Gannicus survive, but I'd be highly shocked if he does.

"The rape scene alone is an example why this show is pure greatness…"

His performance makes me think that he's been grossly misused this season. Bennett has an undeniable charisma, and great range as an actor. Hate to see him go.

I'm guessing you're referring to Omar Little. Yeah, that was some bull***t……but at the same time, very much believable.

Damn…that's wrong.  But funny as hell at the same time!

I was the same way. Couldn't stand the whole pretty boy, Shawn Michaels vibe I got from him. However, I find myself hoping for his survival more than that of Spartacus. Gannicus is the only character among Spartacus' group that I have a rooting interest in. I know that he likely won't live to the end of this

Most of the cast looked lily white to me….which is pathetic for a 2013 rendition. If it were 1955, I could somewhat understand. But the rest of the production was bad, I suppose I should expect the casting to be that way too.

And I guess it wasn't politically correct enough to show the REAL reason Lot offered his daughters…..the fact that the mob wanted to have gay sex with the ninja angels. Homosexuality was one of the most glaring reasons Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed.

"Maybe by the end of this series Caesar will have become what we know as the real deal."

Well, they aren't necessarily staying true to the history now.  If they were, Oenomaus would still be alive, and Kurt Cobain wouldn't be cast as Caesar.

No, Woobie.  To hell with political correctness!  There's nothing remotely fair about having to sit through gay sex.  Nothing at all.  That shit is gross!

I had no rooting interest in the game, but I was very impressed by the play of both teams.  A 40 minute power outage had the broadcast in 'F' territory, but the game itself rescued it.

Outside of the Batman titles, none of the New 52 is worth a damn.  Justice League is just pretty looking toilet paper, Superman is….well….Superman, and Aquaman, after all these years, is still a punk ass character.  I thought it was a bad idea initially.  This past year has confirmed it.

You can't teach stupid.

This generation's dumbest motherf***er in the industry…..absolutely.  He got the walking sperm bank pregnant, wears leather skirts, interrupts acceptance speeches, and believes he's the Messiah.