
the only voice i hate is the one that keeps saying DO NOT KILL BRIAN MAY, because there is a second voice saying KILL BRIAN MAY, which is rather easy on the ears to listen to.

how was he not taken care of during the original Whacking Day?

i was saying "boo-ieber".

my collection of rare man rayzarek prints is now pure gold.

All the cool kids die in Europe. It's way more gritty than, say, Raleigh-Durham.

I find French Montana to be far more rude and sloppy than Flemish Montana. No wonder they split.

wife pussy is the cruelest mistress.

by LUCIFER'S TESTICLES! i'd give them all a good goating. this is not a made-up word, it is when you straight up go BUCK CHUNK on the squat-box after plorking your gob with week-old chevre. if it does not shotgun out like mudclots from a firehose, then you are not goating your toilet. Dag!

it is confirmed REAL. maybonne's boyfriend says his uncle did cannes but after some suspect snails he got the ess-car-GOES! il a cherche and il a FOUND THE TOILET JUST IN TIME. so he went BUCK chunk on the squat-box when he heard WHURRRP! WHURRRP! WHURRRRP! and the red lights flashed and people ran…

in soviet russia tree cunts you.

he is angry that the nekkid bea arthur painting got away from him.

yet he looks like a very dedicated birdwatcher, just arrived at a a heretofore un-visited aviary. let the identifying adventure begin!

it was rue mclanahanahan's vagina in the pulp fiction briefcase.

this is only pt.I of a III pt. series. Nekkid estelle getty and Nekkid betty white are on their way. you have been warned.

bea here now. 

"Denny's bounds from suicide to masturbation to bodily dismemberment—and all on just one plate with our dreary new breakfast; Eggs Over Kim Ki-Duk." 
(actual advertisement for Denny's in Seoul.)

brux nord —> antwerpen centraal = 38 minutes

this should be an F. Antwerp is much closer to Brussels than an hour. you drive an hour north of bxls you're in fucking ROTTERDAM, which has no title cards in this movie it seems. which is unfortunate because while bxls has the gare du nord hoors r'dams got the hasj.

squandered vagina makes the bacon go bang.

if you were as cool as Joe Coleman you and a dear friend would have gone to said reunion IN CHARACTER AND COSTUME as those two dead classmates. you would then make a scene. people would then get uptight and try to decide which one would DEAL with this situation, and whoever has become the richest doctor in your gaggle