Jesus Fucking Christ

Maybe it was Chuck Berry…

^This, this was funny.

Chloe GRACE Moretz, you Philistine.

There were Jews in the water, stalking Muslim children for their Jewish blood-sacrifices, and the Sharif wanted to close the beaches at Sharm el Sheik, but the Emir said: "Are you kidding?!?!? We can't close the beaches on Eid el Fitir!!!!!" And then he got the medical examiner to say they weren't really Jews, but

Little brown eel comes out of the cave…

Gigi is truly the most perverted, disgusting movie I've ever seen.


Girls are so gay.

Suave………RICO Suave, that is.

He's actually quite ugly in real life.

"If elections changed anything, they'd be illegal."

When Jim Crow is outlawed, only outlaws will enforce Jim Crow.

200 years, and he hasn't "gotten that memo" yet.

Yes, let's all be hopeful and optimistic because in 20 years there will be no Evangelicals in the South. They will just all of a sudden stop being Southern Evangelicals. As if no one becomes a Baptist by choice. As if they aren't the least bit proud of their "culture 'n heritage." Right. Okay. Well, if you look at

Shameful, cowardly, and still more productive than Derrick Jensen!

Yes, but 9/11 changed everything. Unless you're saying there's no use crying over spilt accountants. Is that what you're saying? I thought so.

I'd be more interested in the response from the Tofu-Sucking Squiggly Light-Bulb Liberals who still can't accept that a few beer cans littered along the highway aren't nearly as bad for the environment as the fucking highway itself.

Someone better tell the liberals that "wind power" isn't a viable solution after all.

Jesus-Fucking Ice-Cream Man.

Especially since most of the hobo clowns I know are a lot dirtier than that.