Jesus Fucking Christ

Too bad Obama doesn't share your sympathies. He just deployed his aerial drone brigade to bomb Badil in the hope of preventing another hypothetical massacre.


Okay, there's officially too many English people on this site now. Chip-chip-cherry-o. Go back to Shropshylincolnhampsussexshire and trim your fucking periwinkles you fucking twits.

Beware the CGI Hound of the Baskervilles.

When I get mad, I play the Wolfe Tones. Whatever I'm angry about here in America tends to dissipate among the seething hatred I have for England, for doing nasty things in a era before my birth to a country I've never visited.



Voir ci-dessus.

Mes tétons exploser avec plaisir!

I call my wang JANGO because it's gonna be UNCHAINED!

If Jabba the Hutt is anything, he's a vagina.

You laughed out louded?


CLEAN UP THE HUDSON! Hell, you could land a plane in there.

I always get a Swede calling himself "Peggy."

He's a freak. He should run off and join the, uh…join, the uh…

Someone's gotta be the villain, so allow me:

His first job (age 12) was standing in front of a film projector and playing "Lawrence of Arabia" on his forehead. He's been making lots of money ever since.

They've been choosing the easier path since David H. Koch, Chevron, ExxonMobil, and Dow Chemicals became the top sponsors of PBS primetime programming.