Jesus Fucking Christ

Third prize! You're fired.

Second place.

I think you got it.

THE CODE MAN! Whoa, I forgot he existed.

@avclub-4a51fda79bbd54b4e7327dd6559b6c4d:disqus he said "CAT" woman!

"I'm not really a villain," said Liberace, "Honestly, I'm not."


The real problem with The Dark Knight is the fact that those fucking prisoners would've risked getting shot to overpower the guards and blow up the civilian ferry, and those fucking civilians wouldn't have hesitated one second to blow up those fucking prisoners. This is fucking America, after all.



I'm trying to conceive some sort of a comical list of other random things a "Sharlto Copley" could be, but frankly I'm at a loss, here. Sounds like it could be a valve of some kind.

Frankly, I thought this was perhaps the best looking trailer I've ever seen. But no, I don't intend to see it because yes, the first two installments were overrated and tedious and—woops, I'm sorry, I didn't realize it was Heath Ledger Hard-On Day at the AV Club.

Don't hurt ma mules!

Single mothers rock!

No, we're just going to observe you from a distance and kill everyone who starts a meaningful relationship with you, condemning you to a life of isolation, driving you mad with misery, because we have the resources and we might as well use 'em.

John Belushi has been vindicated.
John Belushi was a modern Cassandra.

Repent! Repent! Prepare yourself for the Second Cummings!

I didn't know you were allowed to use nudity in your little picture thingy.

If anyone knows a better method of trinitarian pregeneration, I'd love to hear it. In the words of Jeff Goldblum, "Life, uh, fuh-finds a, finds a way."

"The old sow that eats Mia Farrow…" to be played by Shelly Winters.