Jesus Fucking Christ

You know what else is doing well overseas?
Parmesan reggiano.

Maybe they should've called it "Username" or "Password" instead.

The problem with Kitsch is that he's likable, but he's just not authentic.

Not werewolves. Bigfoot.

Neil Degrasse Tyson is a fucking idiot, the space program is a waste of fucking money, and those fucking NASA administrators should be held at gun point and told that their wives and children are going to die horrible, horrible deaths unless they figure out a way to spend at least half their budget on the maintenance

Androids don't have penises. They have three-pronged extension cords.

It sounds like he's about to ask a bunch of Jewstronauts for 100 alien scalps.

Don't feel bad, I've never seen any of them, either. But I did have Jesse Ventura for a governor, and that was pretty tough. Him and his budget-balancing shenanigans! What a card! What a maroon!

Ah, yes. The dreaded Ventura Years. The last time we had a governor who actually balanced a budget. With a surplus. What a card! What a maroon!


Crumpet is a mountain just north of Whoville.

Maybe he's not really black at all. Maybe, in a Shyamalanesque last-minute "paradigm-shift," we learn that he's actually … dark-brown.

When Tony and Bobby are fishing on the lake at the beginning of the last season they're talking about what might happen when you die and one of them says maybe it just all goes black, like you're turning off a light or something to that effect.

'Gone' is the lily, the blossom and bee,
'Gone' is the lamb from his mother.
High atop Golgotha, 'gone' is a tree:
'Gone,' and replaced with another.
'Gone' is the light of the sun in the West,
'Gone' are the teardrops of Mary.
'Gone' is the bread that is risen and blest,
And 'gone' is the One you would bury.

Very, very, very rich [and fashionable] mommy, too.

They just traded Ingkinbako Nakummukuk for Chad Ochocinco.

Martz is HDP's gimmick stick.

He split Robin's arrow in twain!!!!

"We must utilize the synergy of gravitas."

More like "Al ASSHAT!"