I really liked her after her first round win, and was rooting for her. I was disappointed she didn't win
I really liked her after her first round win, and was rooting for her. I was disappointed she didn't win
That piece was surprising considering both its source, and how much I agreed with said source. As well as how I had been thinking many of the same thoughts recently, but less articulately
In all seriousness, it was really, really strange. And one of those times that you remember what you were doing when it happened (at least for me)
when they uncovered her answer, I wasn't sure if they would give it to her, since they can be sticklers for the numerals. But I think they are a little easier on the young'uns (and that's fine by me — it was obvious who she meant)
I thought she was going to need a paper bag. If she wins the whole thing (of which she has a really good shot), I'm worried she'll pass out.
I would not want to delve into the psyche of whoever came up with the puppymonkeybaby
that spit-string is the most memorable part of this POS movie
wow, just wow. How many of these stupid debates have they had and they can't walk onto the stage correctly? And I kind of feel bad for Kasich, but, tbf, doesn't everyone keep forgetting he's running?
do you think the wrath of the Star Wars nerds will be greater than the wrath of the SEC jock-wannabies from earlier in the week?
I was wondering if they wanted the whole, original title during the song, and thinking that it would be impossible to write in that amount of time.
I thought that Boxer question was badly written
This looks terrible, and I don't think Kendrick, Brie, Cranston, or Gay-Harden could salvage it. "I can't believe I have to sell my TV" — boo fucking hoo
I think he looks a bit like Sean Penn in his younger years. He is someone I don't really understand the hysteria for. He was good in Whiplash, and ok in other things I've seen him in. And I don't think he's particularly handsome, even by non-Hollywood standards. He comes off as a douche, which doesn't help
indeed, watching the trailer, I thought that Sam Clafin was more of the MPDG character (in the very loosest sense) in that he guides her to a more fulfilling life by being a quadriplegic. Wearing quirky clothes is not the definition of MPDG
I do too! We are all so witty
I completely agree
she looked spectacular at the SAG awards
This is a little bit off topic, but I was thinking last night that Rob James-Collier is one of the most underrated actors on this show. Thomas could have been such a 2-D villain, but the actor has really made him a very real, albeit very flawed, person. Probably the character with the most complexity on the show
this show has a way of making very beautiful women look pretty dowdy. especially if they are staff (that isn't a criticism)
i thought all three contestants were knowledgeable and would have been happy to see any of them win. The fact that they knew how to bet is icing