I couldn't tell they were motorcycles, either. I was struggling to come up with a counterpart to Ford
I couldn't tell they were motorcycles, either. I was struggling to come up with a counterpart to Ford
the Wozniak question was a head slapper, but I think the reason he got it wrong is that he saw computer and answered too quickly without actually paying attention to the question, rather than flat out not knowing the answer. I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt.
In the responses, someone gives him the benefit of the doubt that he knows Kermit is an amphibian and not a lizard, and the guy refuses to believe it. Another win for American science education
not only that, she went right for the highest value clue. I bet she thought the category was actually going to be about her characters
If there was ever anything gif-worthy done on Jeopardy, it was that snap. Louis is definitely on my list of players I wish could get another shot.
I really liked that article. I love how he describes what Jeopardy is like for him (I think it is probably like that for most of us here, since we not only watch the show, but gather online to discuss it every day). The tweet at the end was awesome
I'm 35 and the only radio I listen to is NPR, and I couldn't escape Bang Bang, so I was really surprised that was a triple stumper.
I realized how much I like the character tonight with how much I was on the edge of my seat watching that fight, and how sad I was when Barristan went down.
man, i missed that category because my cable box was acting up again. i love that sort of category. and i missed some of the talon category, which is another type (animals/biology) that i'm strong at. stupid fancy box
crazy angry Paul Giamatti is my favorite Paul Giamatti
the funny thing is that animals like frogs and lizards have a tympanum, which is on the surface of their ear, rather than at the end of the ear canal like humans. But they aren't the same thing, and I think Alex should have said wrong and moved on. I've seen him deny people points for lesser mistakes than that
seriously, some of those "Unnamed bible people named" were really tough, but I though all the DDs and the FJ were pretty easy.
he really did seem quite taken with that terrible mustache, didn't he?
I'd have rather known her cure than the band she went to see
I agree with this, and I'm saying it as a straight woman. Lupita is luminous (as well as being a great actor)
She is awesome and I love her, so yay for that. Boo on that awful character name, though
Yeah, as much as I love Cooper, his send off was so perfect that I wish they hadn't brought him back for this
I guessed San Juan, PR, and Cuba didn't even cross my mind, which is sad since it has been in the news so much lately
my brother and I simultaneously texted each other that the SC impression was terrible. Everyone thinks they can do that impression, it doesn't mean they should try on national TV
Two of my coworkers changed my desktop background to a jeopardy picture because I'm a jeopardy nerd. It just happened to be the one to which you refer