Fattypants McGee

when I was in grad school, there was a big fuss because Cornell paid some design firm a crap ton to come up with a new logo, and they came up with a red square with Cornell written in it. It looked like the JC Penny logo. That's a way to make a living — $50k and they probably came up with it half in the bag at happy

me too!

after seeing this with my brother, I said that we'd have to warn our parents off because I can totally see them thinking Colin Firth + fun spy movie is for them, and then getting horribly offended. The have a history of doing things like that because apparently they are completely incapable of reading a review or

I saw the movie tonight and had the same thought as you regarding the GOT mask. This was much more obviously supposed to be Obama, too, versus a blurry head on a pike in the background that 99% of people wouldn't even pick up on

I went downstairs to get laundry out of the dryer on purpose during that scene. I just can't stomach watching something that was (is?) used as a torture

is "you'r" what you write when you aren't sure if it is "your" or "you're", or am I reading too much into this because of all the awful grammar on FB that I see on a daily basis?

I watched all of the second season of the Fall, which probably was damaging to my psyche, but it is so damn addictive. Excellent performances and tense. Colin Morgan is becoming quite the looker too, since he's managed to break the 100 lb mark.

my best friend in middle school/high school claimed she was dating a teacher from her previous school when we were in 7th or 8th grade. She would tell stories about their dates and making out, etc, but to this day I was never sure if any of it was true. But even 13 year old me knew, if it was true, it was disgusting

there were 3 professors in my grad school department that married their students. Two of them had been married for a long time by the time I met them (long past the point the wives had been their students), but the one dated my office mate for a while (he was on her PhD committee too, speaking of ethical breaches) and

my mom tells story of when the family first moved to Virginia from the Philadelphia area, they stopped in a diner and the kids ordered soda. They all got ice cream sodas and it was the best day ever, and my parents learned a valuable lesson about dialects

turnpikes are limited access highways with tolls. In some places, that means a toll booth at an exit. In Oklahoma, it means in the middle of nowhere you will have one of those baskets you toss change into, and the basket may or may not register the change you put in.

why am I not surprised? I did my internship at Oklahoma State, and the head of the veterinary teaching hospital there is a young earth creationist that challenged my intern-mate during a talk he gave that included information from the fossil record for "insinuating" the earth was older than 6000 years old. The head

as a veterinarian who is a strong proponent of spay/neuter, I want to cut the plastic testicles off of an truck I see them on

I would say GMOs are the best example of this

It will be none of those. We all know in TV land that "upstate NY" means the Hudson River valley. the rest of the state does not exist to TV writers (or many NY politicians)

I hate this Mr Greene storyline. Would these detectives care that much about a valet's suspicious but possibly accidental death? It is a rehash of last Bates may be a murderer plot, only this time his wife is being investigated. Yawn

i had an electronic bodum vacuum pot that i loved and made delicious coffee, but water got into the base and ruined it. lately i've been making americanos as my morning brew with a stovetop italian espresso maker, which is fast and delicious. i like the less "clean" brews, I think. But I've had the pour-over at

it certainly would help get overpopulation under control in a jiffy. but there would be so many messes to clean up

That actress looks amazing like the actress who plays Camille in the original. Les Revenants was one of my favorite things I watched last year — creepy, beautiful, engaging story, wonderful score. I think I'll pass on the remake and just anxiously await the second season of the French show

I work in animal sheltering, and we once had a litter of kittens named after celebrities, only with pun names. The only 2 I can ever recall were "Kitty Purry" and "Cat Sajak". I have to admit that I actually really love the latter