Fattypants McGee

i think that's a good assessment of this show

I just watched the Lego Movie for the first time today, and that damn song has been stuck in my head ever since. I know it is going to be there for days

same here. they fixed the last problem with mobile use, only to get another a week later

I'm sorry you are feeling low. I think this is one place that is full of people who understand what you are going through, and the community is one of the most supportive I've seen for people with depression. Good luck!

I finally watched The Lego Movie thanks to HBO Go and really enjoyed it. Fast moving plot, funny, and good voice work. I also caught up on Gracepoint and, while it has finally diverged from Broadchurch, I still think it pales in comparison. The biggest problem is the lack of the wonderful Olivia Coleman, I believe.

I'm sorry about the loss of your Grandfather. I understand your thought process, as I went through the same when both my grandmothers died. I felt that both of them suffered a lot physically and emotionally in their last years, and that at least they were released from that.

Bletchley is always suggested to me by Netflix due to my penchant for British period pieces. Based on the love here, I'll have to give it a try!

I know what you mean about that British look, but I don't think Olivia Coleman would even want to come to Vancouver to do the show. I saw an interview with her, and she said filming Broadchurch was the longest time she had spent away from her kids and she hated being away from them, so I doubt she'd want to be on

I just caught up myself! Olivia Coleman was incredible in Broadchurch, whereas Anna Gunn could be any actress in the role (I say this as someone who liked her as Skylar, I'm not some Anna Gunn hater). In addition to the excellent chemistry with DT, Olivia as Ellie's interactions with her husband were so warm and

I really hate this particular plot contrivance (the one with Carver and his daughter), and TV dramas love it. Child shows up unexpectedly at parent's workplace, then gets upset when parent doesn't drop everything to cater to the child's whim. a 17 year old should understand that if a kid is missing and her dad is a


This isn't what I learned from Sesame Street, but can I just say how much I love that all the celebrities who have been on SS all across the years seem to absolutely love being there, and take the performance as seriously as any other gig (in the quality of the singing, etc).

actually, it is Ranier Wolfcastle's voice! The two have completely melded in my mind. You win again, Simpsons!

that little girl cracking up every time she says cookie monster is adorable

Sesame Place is a legitimately awesome theme park for little kids. I took my nephews when I was in college, and I remember having fun there!

I thought I was the only person that thinks about how the animals in old TV clips must be dead now

I grew up in Buffalo, so same thing!

I think this is one of the greatest accomplishments of Sesame Street. They showed all kinds of people from all walks of life (i.e., kids living in cities, kids living in rural areas, etc), and they got along and were kind to one another. Kids of different ethnicities playing together. Every kid IRL could identify

she's definitely gone overboard on the plastic surgery. the top half of her face looks frozen. I predict she'll look like Joan Rivers in 20 years

I hear "knife to meet you" in Arnold Schwarzenegger's voice