
So Rhianna no longer has a singing voice reminiscent of the lady who reads the menu options on automated answering services?

Albeit a seminary educated atheist

You Am I, while they had a few number 1 albums in Australia I have never understood why they weren't more popular overseas, or really that popular in a more mainstream way. Their first few albums produced with the help of lee renaldo are brilliant, and heavy heart is one of the best break up songs thats been recorded.

The only Dane Cook fans I have ever met have all all been painfully unaware of any other comedians there is nothing wrong with that only hope that after watching is incredibly unfunny shit, they might develop and begin too support actual comedians. Not trying to sound elitist when I was younger I use to enjoy Robin

I had the same thing happen to me, I had never heard of him but a couple of people at work thought he was brilliant so I watched a few clips on youtube and he was shit. I think it was the level of his shitiness that caused me too hate his material so intensely. But as for disliking him as a person it seems pointless,

You have obviously never dealt with Australian bus drivers.