
I was happy to see Blake win for no other reason than that he seemed like a sweet, humble, hardworking kid, and those are the traits I'd rather see teen Glee-wannabes look up to, rather than Alex/Abraham/Mario-style diva behavior. I realize that this really wasn't what the show was about - it's not a niceness contest

I was happy to see Blake win for no other reason than that he seemed like a sweet, humble, hardworking kid, and those are the traits I'd rather see teen Glee-wannabes look up to, rather than Alex/Abraham/Mario-style diva behavior. I realize that this really wasn't what the show was about - it's not a niceness contest

"I don't know why you'd jump right to model trains - I mean, it's accurate…"

Right, that was script's intention, but Steve refers to her as "rocking a deviated septum" - implying that he was under the impression that she actually had one.

Angel? …Really?
I've truly enjoyed your coverage of VM, including this post, but I lost ton of respect for you when you placed Angel in the same category as Arrested Development and The Wire. It's certainly an enjoyable and, overall, well-done show, but to call it a "pantheon" on the the level of The Wire shows a

Wait, really?
You've never had/heard of spanakopita? I grew up eating (pretty gross, white-bread versions of) it at home or in diners in a Midwestern suburb (and I'm not Greek), so I figured it must be ubiquitous.

I'm pretty sure Lindsay didn't have a deviated septum…
…"fixing her deviated septum" was just her excuse for getting a nose job. No?

Great review (and one quibble)
Nice structure. And I LOVED this little section: " I want this show to take risks again. I want to be excited when it inverts time, when it wears its heart on the sleeve of its ridiculous plaid sports coat. I'm tired of being tired with all this. Don't give us the mother because the fans