Mr. Banana Skin

Redskin's fans shouldn't have much to complain about lately. Things are looking up!

Redskin's fans shouldn't have much to complain about lately. Things are looking up!

My first and only trip to Chicago, in which I fell in love with the city, came shortly after reading The Devil in the White City, and while walking around drunk one night I got into a brief conversation with a local having a smoke outside a bar. I asked him if he'd read the book, and he stared blankly at me and

My first and only trip to Chicago, in which I fell in love with the city, came shortly after reading The Devil in the White City, and while walking around drunk one night I got into a brief conversation with a local having a smoke outside a bar. I asked him if he'd read the book, and he stared blankly at me and

@JudgeReinhold:disqus I don't think anyone thinks the Eagles are going to turn it around except for Andy Reid.

@JudgeReinhold:disqus I don't think anyone thinks the Eagles are going to turn it around except for Andy Reid.

Cam Newton ain't no rookie.

Cam Newton ain't no rookie.

Man, I can't believe we blew all that cash on this avclub.com promotion.

Man, I can't believe we blew all that cash on this avclub.com promotion.

The island is a cork.

The island is a cork.

I gotta stop opening these pages 2 minutes before commenting on them.

I gotta stop opening these pages 2 minutes before commenting on them.

Kudos also goes to whoever sharpied in his hair.

Kudos also goes to whoever sharpied in his hair.

Why do 1 Direction always look three seconds out of a tickle party in all their pictures?

Why do 1 Direction always look three seconds out of a tickle party in all their pictures?

Party at @avclub-15d496c747570c7e50bdcd422bee5576:disqus 's!

Party at @avclub-15d496c747570c7e50bdcd422bee5576:disqus 's!