Mr. Banana Skin

@avclub-92d96da583b3bf0ca7d61ab3b3aba04b:disqus With you. My point, poorly expressed, was that there were unnecessary, or lengthy, scenes that could have been exchanged with more plot-serving ones. I had no issue with the length, just how it was used.

Thought it was 3 days.

Thought it was 3 days.

That's actually the most reasonable explanation as to how he made it back to Gotham and how he didn't fall into the ice. And I can't even tell if you're serious.

That's actually the most reasonable explanation as to how he made it back to Gotham and how he didn't fall into the ice. And I can't even tell if you're serious.

She looked pretty nimble when she got off Batman's motorcycle.

She looked pretty nimble when she got off Batman's motorcycle.

I always assumed it was a romantic comedy about tennis. Wow. Guess I should watch it.

I always assumed it was a romantic comedy about tennis. Wow. Guess I should watch it.

But it was a long and at times boring movie, because so much happened on screen that didn't need to be filmed or filled in via voice-over. I would have preferred some kind of demonstration of Bruce Wayne's international reach and secret access to Gotham over the endless and literal sequence of him learning to get out

But it was a long and at times boring movie, because so much happened on screen that didn't need to be filmed or filled in via voice-over. I would have preferred some kind of demonstration of Bruce Wayne's international reach and secret access to Gotham over the endless and literal sequence of him learning to get out

@avclub-94d8526a5fae933806f65b8a0f49301a:disqus What's the book you're referring to?

@avclub-94d8526a5fae933806f65b8a0f49301a:disqus What's the book you're referring to?

@avclub-9d5f6881b7700a87a8be01e17552cebd:disqus That's the safest bet yes, but I was rewatching season 4 recently, and in the episode where Jesse and Mike are driving from dead drop to dead drop, one of their stops is next to a building that - at least from the outside - really resembles the building that Walt is

@avclub-9d5f6881b7700a87a8be01e17552cebd:disqus That's the safest bet yes, but I was rewatching season 4 recently, and in the episode where Jesse and Mike are driving from dead drop to dead drop, one of their stops is next to a building that - at least from the outside - really resembles the building that Walt is

And Johnny Knox is still recovering.

And Johnny Knox is still recovering.

All I ever knew was Lost, but then I started watching Breaking Bad.

All I ever knew was Lost, but then I started watching Breaking Bad.

I'm concerned that a short in the wall circuit might crack the vial and poison a bed-ridden Skylar.