Mr. Banana Skin

Going to say this review is a little generous. Thought the performances were kind of wooden. Especially Ted's.

Going to say this review is a little generous. Thought the performances were kind of wooden. Especially Ted's.

I had no idea who Shellac was when they headlined an A Place to Bury Strangers show I went to.

I had no idea who Shellac was when they headlined an A Place to Bury Strangers show I went to.

Should be all clear to look into it now though given that you're no longer within the jurisdiction of the preteen police.

Should be all clear to look into it now though given that you're no longer within the jurisdiction of the preteen police.

I wouldn't say Walt is one dimensional. He has two very distinct sides to him, one that cowers behind drapes and waits for his fate to find him, and another that lies and deceives and plots and kills and calculates.

I wouldn't say Walt is one dimensional. He has two very distinct sides to him, one that cowers behind drapes and waits for his fate to find him, and another that lies and deceives and plots and kills and calculates.

His face has gotten bigger in each and every season. Must have caught it from Skyler.

His face has gotten bigger in each and every season. Must have caught it from Skyler.

That's more sides than I'm used to.

That's more sides than I'm used to.

Has anyone ever gotten the impression that Tim is actually kind of a dick?

Has anyone ever gotten the impression that Tim is actually kind of a dick?

@avclub-4e2cd305ab0df1fa58eb84b977f7d647:disqus Totally thought you were a chick, bra.

@avclub-4e2cd305ab0df1fa58eb84b977f7d647:disqus Totally thought you were a chick, bra.

That the movie with the nailgun?

That the movie with the nailgun?

With regard to BWTF, I think AVClub needs a new doorman.