Mr. Banana Skin

Metric is only overrated and arrogant in Canada, to Canadians. And justifiably so, to Canadians.

Like in John Carter, when John Carter and I forget who else are outrunning a giant army of something or other, nipping at their heels, until John Carter stops his convoy to dramatically send his companions off to safety while he takes on the horde himself (now specks approaching over the horizon).

Like in John Carter, when John Carter and I forget who else are outrunning a giant army of something or other, nipping at their heels, until John Carter stops his convoy to dramatically send his companions off to safety while he takes on the horde himself (now specks approaching over the horizon).

David Usher would like a word with you.

David Usher would like a word with you.

@TaumpyTearrs:disqus Ahhhh, it all makes sense now. Did not realize that we were talking about the same thing on two different pages. And that thing, of course, is Dawes.

@TaumpyTearrs:disqus Ahhhh, it all makes sense now. Did not realize that we were talking about the same thing on two different pages. And that thing, of course, is Dawes.

@TaumpyTearrs:disqus Hey, good for you. Good timing too, given how soon Season 5's starting up. What'd you think?

Quick, who's familiar with bird law?

Quick, who's familiar with bird law?

Unlike Farnk Zappo.

Unlike Farnk Zappo.

Hey @Anon21:disqus , you totally would, right?

Hey @Anon21:disqus , you totally would, right?

So, curious….. Did you ever get the impression that season 4 was a particularly slow burn, or did watching it back to back to back as you did soften that impression? I watched it week to week, and loved it, but always wondered how the pacing comes off to someone who doesn't have to wait a week between episodes.

So, curious….. Did you ever get the impression that season 4 was a particularly slow burn, or did watching it back to back to back as you did soften that impression? I watched it week to week, and loved it, but always wondered how the pacing comes off to someone who doesn't have to wait a week between episodes.

I always assumed it to be a lie, since the guy who told me about it also told me that The Stand was about a giant white mouse and a giant black mouse having a sword fight.

I always assumed it to be a lie, since the guy who told me about it also told me that The Stand was about a giant white mouse and a giant black mouse having a sword fight.

I've got to admit @avclub-f121d09285898f1c66d66f1e6f0455a6:disqus , I was surprised to see your byline on this joke, given the outrage you displayed above.

I've got to admit @avclub-f121d09285898f1c66d66f1e6f0455a6:disqus , I was surprised to see your byline on this joke, given the outrage you displayed above.