Mr. Banana Skin

So commercials in Britain are a minute and a half long?

So commercials in Britain are a minute and a half long?

A little cold in Synecdoche, New York too.

No relation.

Take a block from the middle and you put it on top!

Aww geez I was so expecting this to be "Guess Who?"

So, as it turns out, Battleship starts worse than you'd expect, then it gets better than you'd expect, until it ends just about as you'd expect.

Um…. Aspen Extreme?

Well I erased one thinking it was the other. Care to guess which?

This mind reader's gone to Bulgaria.

Stay dead, Tara. Please, oh please, stay dead.

Right, but as far as I can remember, "electronica" was the term attributed to those songs that got radio/video play, songs that could transcend the barriers of any specific subculture and find mass appeal. For this reason, Daft Punk should have been on the list, and also for this reason, Oakenfold should not. Also,

Happened to me just this morning.

While cracking wise about wine. That's all women do now, apparently.


Skeet's on a come back!


Kind of hoping that's not the case.

I see it as less a demonstration of Sherlock swooping in to save her against all odds, and more an appropriate conclusion to the "ring tone as plot device" idea that they played with throughout the episode. Thought it was pretty crafty.