Jane Hex

< pedant > Grammy dress. < /pedant >

Those Cabbage Patch people were on the Anderson Cooper show yesterday. Their "Kevin" doll gets an allowance. Anderson was having a hard time not laughing.

Feminism: the radical notion that women should have the same rights as men. HUH.

I was surprised by that too. But I was pissed off in general about yet another depiction of birth on television as a nightmarish emergency panic situation. Will we ever, ever see a woman allowed to labor at home for a few hours, like most do, or is it always going to be oh my god!! a contraction! GET TO THE HOSPITAL

I couldn't stop staring at the top row of white teeth and bottom row of yellow teeth. It's like he did the interview in between bleaching treatments.

I guess Kenley's romper was cute, but those types of things never fail to make me wonder what the girl is supposed to do when she has to actually use the bathroom. It looked like whatever closure it had was in the back, so that must be fun to deal with alone in a little restroom stall.

I know the Supervisors race (basically city council) in San Francisco is a pretty big deal (it was when I lived there). This would make a lot more sense if he was running in the City. I also lived in Berkeley for a few years and don't really remember any of the council campaigns.

They're everywhere in WA, too. Also we have a lot of Mormons here so you get a lot of large vans with so many kid stickers on the back it's difficult to count them. I just do not get the point of advertising to the world how many kids and pets you have. Who cares?

@avclub-f3df38bea0571d15e376bda9c1245e59:disqus , I actually recently ordered a skin medication from an online Australian pharmacy because it's OTC there and prescription here for no apparent reason except the $$$. It cost me around $30 with shipping and arrived in a week. Here, with my (lousy) insurance, it would

But don't you know fat is BAD!! BAD FOR YOU!! Here try this fat-free ravioli with lowfat alfredo soy paste. I mean sauce.

I can't go to the movies with my father anymore because he will just not shut up. Usually he likes to "spoil" whatever he thinks is about to happen, or make other little sarcastic remarks about the film. My mom likes to chat during movies in the theater too, usually asking stupid questions about the actors ("what have

I was extremely fortunate to see Pulp play in a small club in San Francisco (Bimbo's) in 1996. Amazing show.

I was under the impression that CSI & Two & A Half Men (my 70-year-old father's favorite tv show) were each #1 in drama and "comedy." Anyway, CBS sure likes to crow about that.

I recently wondered if there is any programming on CBS that I watch at all. I scanned their prime time schedule — nothing (because I no longer bother with the Amazing Race). Daytime? Maybe the Price is Right if I am home, but I think I really only watched that in earnest when my daughter was a newborn and I was on the

Surprised no one has mentioned that Liz's "Terry" doll was wearing an outfit identical to hers. My favorite sight gag of the whole episode.

I doubt I would ever watch CBS This Morning, but CBS Sunday Morning is definitely worthwhile viewing, especially while lounging around in pajamas and drinking coffee. I suppose it qualifies as the only tv news I watch at all. Mo Rocca has a feature every other week or so, which might explain his presence on this other

It happens. A friend of mine was about to leave for the hospital after laboring at home for a long time, and gave birth to her son on her front porch. Everyone was fine.

A lot of babies are actually born at home, surrounded by their families, and sleep in their parents own bed their first night of life. And they survive!

I know it might be difficult to get actual live newborns in TV scenes, but that baby looked about 4-6 months old and 12-14 pounds.

THREE shows. She plays a nurse on Days of Our Lives also.