AV Club Fisting Culture

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Dear Sam Barsanti,

Shit yeah.

Can someone please find a link to that guy playing the impossibly hard Mario levels and swearing a bunch? Know what I'm talking about?

Dear Sam Barsanti,

So, let me get this straight: the prize is a digital video disk which will be sent via the mail? What the fuck is this? 2009?

On the next Arrested Development…

Two presidents are running for office: one on a platform to legalise drugs. Walter assassinates the other candidate, gets away with it, drugs are legalised, he has Gump-like control of the market at its genesis, establishes his brand, and becomes the richest, most powerful man in the new meth addled hell scape that is

Bilderberg is really happening. Ask Alex Jones. He'll tell you.

Another great movie trilogy option: J.R.R. and C.S.: Two Oxford Writers Hang Out and Discuss Symbolism

No. [preemptive response to reply of removed comment]

@James Dean:

For fuck's sake it's two morphemes. Re + tard. The prefix re is a derivational morpheme attached to the atypical unbound morpheme tard, from the latin tardus, to slow down or loiter.

@ Me Not You

@Roald Dali [sic] E Cummings [sic]

@ Hoodwink

How about that Kurt in a Daniel Johnston t-shirt picture? Isn't that a great photograph? And that Last Days? Wasn't that a good movie?

Behold, as the skies lighten after a storm's passing… canceraids is thus transformed into a more pervasive form of bodily invasion…forced bloody anal fisting… with no aids or cancer necessarily… just violently ripped skin and loosened and possibly prolapsed rectal musculature. What's iller than being ill? Being