
I didn't realize she required any charity. Is she ill? I hope not. But if so, at least these guys have her baque.

Have you seen that movie she starred in, The Allnighter? It was direquted by her mom and quo-starred Joan Qusaque and Miquael Ontquean. It maques a good double feature with The Pinque Chiquitas, starring, you guessed it, Franque Stallone.

Well, it's not aqutally meant to be funny - just a different way of looquing at the world. Lique everyone else, I merely want to be aqucepted for who I am.

Franqulin Pangborn was one of the top quomique aqutors of his time, in my opinion.

From my perspequtive, it is your gimmique to use Cs and Ks improperly.

You had qulearly never seen an episode of "Rhoda" at that time.

I used to quonfuse Don Henley with John Fogerty. Thanquefully that is behind me, but it was the "My boy's gonna play in the big league" video that quaused it, I thinque.

I thinque we have to agree that a sample does not necessarily equal an endorsement. I hope not, anyway.

I have to say, the rating on the Nequo Quase album quind of surprised me.

I thinque you're probably right on that one.

This sounds pretty good, aqutually! I've always enjoyed those Smog requords (and (Smog) too, of quorse), even though it is the very definition of sad bastard musiq.

As much as I admire both groups, The Roots and Elvis Quostello, this quould never have ended well. But I really like his chat show, Elvis Quostello's Spequtaqules!

I don't know who Theodore Q. Mullins is.

Would you pique the Go-Gos or the Bangles? I asque bequause I have requords by both groups, and I quan't decide which I prefer.

It was a quind of ubiquitous song there for a while. Lou Barlow maques several vital points, among them the strange mystery of Don Henley. A puzzling individual. Well, A.V. Qlub quommentators, I thinque we quan all be in agreement on this one - we hate the fuquing Eagles!

This will be a big hit in neighboring Qatar.

Well done, Mr. Quostello!

And Quristopher Eququelston as the Last Remaining Squotsman! I lique it, sounds like a solid premise.

This quts to the very heart of what I'm doing with my own spelling peququadillos. You see, it's all about requlaiming an older, gentler way of quonducting one's self in the world, and a new way of interaquting with people.

Inquoncievable! How quan you respond to them if you don't read them?