
The second season is the strongest.

I saw Shutter Island on opening night and this asshole, dressed in gangster attire with his equally obnoxious girlfriend who loudly whispered in his ear whenever she didn't know what was going on (which was often), kept answering his phone to tell whoever was calling that he was watching a movie. My friend and I were

I suppose so. It always bothers me when people compared her to Jennifer Connelly and Angelina Jolie.

Why won't…
Megan Fox's 'career' just end?? Prettier actresses have faded from Hollywood for less.

Wow, I read that whole thread. The comments posted in response to the reviews here are better than the reviews themselves! Although I like the reviews too. lol…

Along with the way that the others were able to make the whispering noises, I'm curious as to how they projected the bullets back in Season 1. When they confronted The Others in the jungle that one time there were bullets fired and the projected, giving the impression that they people wielded supernatural powers of