No mention of Duper turning into a blob of gelatinous goo?
No mention of Duper turning into a blob of gelatinous goo?
I noticed that too, but it's easy enough to dismiss as "selective memory". Works for everything.
I used to be the same way, of course, I often put the show on mute, and browsed the AV Club in the meanwhile. But for the last two weeks I've been turning on Hulu+ and watching Daria instead.
"Stan Smith is a CIA agent, more out of touch with family life and built as a shallow satire of every political opinion Seth MacFarlane disagrees with."
A different (yet no less deserving) target.
However, the fact is less fun, when it's already been mentioned in the comments above.
“I should probably set my ultimate cellphone to ultimate vibrate!” — Mary Jane
Season 5, actually. Him getting out of his deal with Crowley was 6, however.
New rule: The lower the grade, the better the episode.
Say what you will about the man, but damn if he isn't good at multitasking!
Warm. Warm warm warm.
Yes. I agree completely. It's like, Community is a great show and all, but the fandom can be… a bit much to take… at times… to put it lightly…
I know Phil doesn't like Supernatural but do they have to trash it on here, too? Isn't it enough that the reviews consist of a few paragraphs telling us how 'awful' the characters' outfits are, followed by a line are two stating, "No, sir. I didn't like it."
Yeah, I agree. I think there's a bit of a middle ground. 30 Rock is primarily joke-oriented, and it doesn't have the character development of Parks and Rec or Community, but that's not to say that it has no character development what-so-ever. The character development doesn't come nearly as often as it does on those…
Judging by the comments section of both shows… No, no you can not. Nor can you even like The Big Bang Theory even the tiniest bit, or so help you…
We'll compromise! We'll cut Hazel in half! Which part do we want to keep? Top or bottom? Or should we split her down the middle like a sandwich?
I agree with @avclub-d4a671a2bd3981c47291f182884b77db:disqus . This was actually the second time I liked Hazel. Her being a nemesis to Jenna, trying to destroy her to gain Liz's friendship is something that I think really works.
No, wait. Perhaps this is the arc people are talking about? Pierce's brain will begin to switch on and off, creating two different Pierces. The Pierce we know and love, and the crazy-yet-hyper-competent-soulless-automaton who will slowly begin to take control of his body!
Does everything have to be an arc with you people? Can't you just accept that some things are just there to be… funny?
So, does the show have two main antagonists now? Evil Abed and Vice Dean Laybourne, each with their own separate goals and agendas? Or does each character act as a catalyst for both Abed and Troy separately, sending them down dark paths?