Bipolar Bear

Hey, it brought me back for the night!

Honestly, I'm kind of hoping that he's making a joke, by subverting expectations by saying that Efron looks like L and not Light. It could also be interpreted as an attack of on the belief that Zac Efron looks that much like Light, and or that he's suitable to play the role.

But she was so cute with that doll! Don't get me wrong, I still hate this show, and look forward to the day when it ends, but… When she was standing there, holding that little doll (that in no way looked exactly like her), I couldn't help but go "Awww!" in my head.

Asperger's is not an excuse for idiocy.

Well, obviously, Stan was too old to remember anything about that particular drug… And nobody else thought about it, either.

I completely agree with your comment, and I want to hit "Like", but (un)fortunately, I'm not a bitter enough person (yet) to do so.

I now demand an episode where current-Steve meets pilot-Steve!

Was that before or after he met Marge in the '70s, but secretly met her sometime in the vague '60s/'70s as children, then managed to live until 2032 to see Bart become Chief Justice of the United States, sometime after Lisa became president of the USA, after she failed and marry Hugh Parkfield as an adult in 2010,


I've actually wondered about that, myself. I assumed that Cleveland improved after it's first season, but I've never had any interest in tuning in, even though I suspected that that's the case.

Even when American Dad! premiered back in '05 I liked it better than Family Guy!

According to Wikipedia, this episode wasn't even written as the 500th. It was written as a standard episode, and the producers (or whoever) loved it so much, they thought it would make the perfect milestone celebration!

But that joke doesn't make sense! In Lisa's First Word it clearly showed them moving into the house, and Homer did in no way speak in that manner!

That laugh was a thing of magic! It felt almost Heath Ledger Joker-esque to me.

I agree. This was, perhaps one of the best in a while (not counting ones like Bobby's death, of course). Who doesn't like having Lucifer back?

Let us all use this thread to discuss our hopes, dreams, fears, and more importantly, arousals!
Please make sure to explain everything in vivid detail. Don't skimp on the dirty aspects, either!

I Am Legion

Actually, that was kind of the point. You can't really tell if there is much of a difference between bold and italics, or what it means.

How did he say it? Was it like "Boy, that movie sure is funny!" Or was it more like, "Boy, that movie sure is funny!"

Jesus just hasn't been the same ever since his visit to 4chan, @avclub-67f6d2e9915d70fd0dd562623d86eb43:disqus .