Bipolar Bear

I don't understand it. I have a friend who couldn't be smarter about pretty much everything else, but when it comes to Twilight, she'll go out of her way to defend it. She really, truly does love it. Not ironically, but genuine. She acts like it's a flawless series, and that the "love" between Edward and Bella is the

That would be true if not for the fact that every few months a new Twilight book or movie comes out, and the whole thing flares up again… It's a lot like an STD in that regard.

The promos are awful. The end where Whitney blows you a kiss… *shudder* It's like a horse blowing you a kiss! But at least a horse you can ride without feeling bad about it!

NBC hears you, and they are listening.

So, what you're saying is that this reboot is actually Glenn Beck's new animated sitcom?

Damn, that Maddy story-line was just awful. I knew from the very moment that impostor appeared on screen that he was going to be "evil". Though, I agree that the stroke was a perfectly good excuse.

"Is acts a television show."

@moger:disqus , I wish to "Like" your comment, but I can not for fear of my god striking me down if I do.

It's called nostalgia, Mr. Beethoven. It makes people do - or rather enjoy - crazy things.

Ah, so NBC is the troll? Yes, that sounds about right.

"Liked" because "nerdly" is such a funny word. Haha. Nerdly.

To be fair, this episode is from the season 6 production line, and furthermore, episodes take months to write/produce/animate/all-that-crap, so the line would've been recorded who knows how long ago.

But didn't the call take place earlier in the day? Maybe I'm wrong about that, but I just kind of assumed that the call was earlier that day, and yeah, some people work Saturdays - it happens.

Didn't they throw in a line in there about Brian telling the pilot to warn the other planes, or something like that?

No. There aren't people. I accuse Phil Nugent of being a demon!

Maybe it just deserves it more?


Yeah, that kind of comes off as a lazy way to wrap things up and show "Aww! They do care about each other!"

Calling it now! Pierce/Annie will be the new big ship of the show, possibly only second to Jeff/Pelton.

Oh my God, yes! Britta and Annie make such a cute couple! … Platonically, I mean. Just as friends.