The baby? Oh, you mean the "Anger Sponge".
The baby? Oh, you mean the "Anger Sponge".
Well, yes, they have two years left, but it's practically set-in-stone that after those two years are up the show is finished. Though, it shouldn't come as a surprise, since Fox has been buying lazy cartoons by the basketful for the last couple of years now.
Perhaps, there is still a sliver of justice in this world yet…
Truer words have never been spoken.
The montage was just disturbing, not funny. The rest of the show was just boring, not funny.
I'm still disappointed the humans didn't win this time either, though.
They've already done Saw once, but that wasn't a Halloween episode. If they did it during a Treehouse of Horror though, they could really get away with a lot more.
Though will still have a day to go, I'd like to vote this for "Best Thread of the Week".
Eh, it seems to be a kind of "had to be there" thing - watching the show since it first started - to enjoy it. The fan campaigns to save the show, the constant threat of cancelation looming over every season, the constant budget cuts, Subway coming in and helping the show… Everything really.
If you weren't there to…
Ah, yes, I remember how awful the ad campaign was. However, I managed to catch most of the second episode on its first Saturday rerun, and I was instantly hooked on the show since then.
*Clicks Like button*
If it's anything like the movie it's title is based on, then I feel no shame in admitting that I would watch the hell out of that bastard.
So many bad puns, so little time to hit the like button.
I was more or less with you for the most part, but then you lost me by implying that Cars 2 is better than the original Shrek. Cars 1 wasn't better than the original Shrek. It may not have been the best movie Dreamworks ever made (they've been doing pretty good recently), but damn if it isn't better than Cars 1 and 2!
Oh, man. That was just bad.
Yes, that's the reason you didn't get any for two weeks. The movie… Yeah… *whistles nonchalantly*
Spider-Man works in mysterious ways.
I'll make her into a real girl.
But not many.